Just a random update

I know it's been a while since I'm posted again. I haven't gotten a chance to really document my progress, but I'll describe some of it. With the community college class taking up quite a bit of my time, I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much. The mechanical construction is nearly complete. I ran into a lot of issues with regards to the machining of the parts. There's only so much accuracy I can have without calipers, center punches, and other assorted tools that I need. There's issues with alignment and such, but I think it will still manage. Speaking of tools, I'm currently lacking a chainbreaker, which is preventing my completion of the mechanical construction. I'll be purchasing one next week.

I've also tested the code. It doesn't work properly. The when the motor is supposed to be stationary, it runs ever so slightly in reverse. This is either the result of some issues with the compatibility of the servo library, or the calibration of the talon itself. I'll be figuring this out next week too. Finally, the potentiometer's readouts need to be analyzed too. Instead of the entire range of speeds being available  I was getting a large range of the potentiometer at max speed, and only a small range or actual speed variation. Not to mention, a portion of the control also had the motor in a slight reverse.

As I said, sorry for not posting photos, I'll likely be posting a photo or even video sometime next week.
