#IBAWSIP January 2019 PCB's, Pop Filters, and 3D Printers OH MY!

I've actually done quite a few things since I've last posted but I've just been too lazy to put together a blog post about it. The 2 major things I've been up to is that I've started working on a project for a friend of mine involving sensors for brushless motors, and I've also purchased/assembled a 3D printer!

Brushless Motor Outrunner Sensor Board

Typical RC brushless motors require 3 phase power. For some applications one needs to know the position of the motor to provide the proper power across the 3 power leads. I'll probably butcher the explanation if I continue so here's a link to some info on how that works. For this application we needed a sensor board that was not available for the size of motor we are using (35mm outrunner). I borrowed the design from Equals Zero we had used previously and modified it.

I got it fabbed


And ultimately assembled on the motor.

I should note that I had also CADed a new sensor mount as well and printed it out with my new 3D printer which I'll talk about down below. For more info on what this sensor is for, check this out.


I purchased a Prusa i3 MK3 over Black Friday. I spent about a week with my time after work to assemble the 3D printer, and so far I'm really enjoying using it. I can see why the assembled version of this printer is about $250 more than the unassembled one because of human labor cost. I think assembling it was definitely an experience though. I was quite amused they sent a pack of Haribo gummy dinosaurs with the printer. I've been wanting to purchase this printer since a couple of years ago, because of it's easy auto calibration features. @$750 it's a little bit pricey, but it's better than some other printers that are like $2k (*cough cough* Makerbot).

Of course with a 3D printer I've printed things! I haven't taken many photos, but one of the first things I printed was a toothpaste squeezer.

I've printed a bunch of other random stuff, too mostly off of thingiverse like a phone case. (Too lazy to take photos of all the other stuff.)

DIY Soldering Fume Extractor

Since I was doing some soldering for the first thing in this blog post, I figured I should probably not be breathing that stuff in. (I have in the past, but I mean I wanted to make something too.) I basically purchased some foam core board, 2 Computer case fans, and a length of flexible duct tubing. I mount the fans to my bedroom window and it sucks the air to the outside. The fans are powered off of a power supply I found in a box of junk I have (for which I also 3D printed a case for)

Music Endeavors

Finally, I got my pop filter. I've been lazy about using it for much though. I've decided however that I'm planning on releasing a rerecording of my cover of Friday by Rebecca Black as the first thing I'm gonna release as opposed to my cover EP that I've been talking about. I've done a recording earlier this month of most of the instrumentals, and some rough vocals, but I think I may redo some of them.

In the mean time, I've also been thinking about the logistics of releasing, and I figure I need to work on my personal "brand". 

So far this is what I've come up with as my artist logo, and I can't decide if I like it or not
