One Step Closer to JARVIS...

I was able to make some progress lately with the whole controlling a light via a microcontroller over the network.

I got my hands on a Dragonboard IFC6410+ and I wrote a very basic C program that waits for commands over the network.

I first tried to get the GPIO pins to talk to the relay board directly, but I hit some sort of issue that I still haven't been able to figure out. The relay board acknowledged the fact that it was getting a high signal but I suspect that I couldn't draw enough current to actually get the relay to respond. 

I had to finally get my arduino out to read a high voltage signal and then have the arduino turn on the relay board. It seemed kinda round about, but I managed to get this to work.

I suspect that this might also have to do with the limitations of the level shifters. Because I was using 1.8V GPIO's, I required a level shifting chip. Since these are meant to provide logic as opposed to deliver current, they probably couldn't support the relay's requirements.

The set up is shown below

So with this setup, I also made 2 very basic Android apps that I loaded on my phone. With this I am able to use Google Now's voice commands to open these apps. I can then not only use my phone to toggle the lights, but also simply use my voice to command my lights.

I might find some time to encorperate proximity triggers to this project in the future since I have some Gimbal proximity beacons.
